Our Retail Store
A Tasty Way To Stay Fit
Tsim Sha Tsui
Opening hours :Mon- Fri OFF
Sat/ Sun 2:00-7:00pm
Address: Rm 1,So Dream, 12-14 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
地址: 尖沙咀,加連威老道12-14號,加連 威大廈3樓So Dream - Rm 1
Quarry Bay
Opening hours : Reservation required
(WHATAPP 94575784)
Address: RM 2303, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
營業時間:需預約時間 WHATAPP 94575784
地址: 鰂魚涌華蘭路20號華蘭中心2303室

SOGO Causeway Bay Store
555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Exhibition Time:17/1/2024 - 23/1/2024
展期時間 :17/1/2024 - 23/1/2024
To Kwa Wan
Opening hours :Mon- Fri 8:00 - 4:00pm
Sat/ Sun OFF
Address: Flat 907,Blk A, 9/F, Merit Industrial Center,94 Tokwawan Road, Tokwawan
營業時間:星期一至五8:00-4:00/星期六及 公眾假期休息
地址: 土瓜灣美華工業中心A座9樓90室 (A門口)

Causeway Bay - Times Square CITYSUPER
Times Square Basement 1, Causeway Bay
Shatin - New Town Plaza CITYSUPER
New Town Plaza 1 Level 2, Shops 204-214, Shatin
銅鑼灣 - 時代廣場 CITYSUPER
沙田 - 新城巿廣場 CITYSUPER

HKTV Online Shop - Fitasty
HKTV 網上有售 - Fitasty

Shatin Yata
Exhibition Time:17/1/2024 - 13/2/2024
展期時間 :17/1/2024 - 13/2/2024
Mongkok Yata
Exhibition Time:17/1/2024 - 16/2/2024
展期時間 :17/1/2024 - 16/2/2024
Taipo Yata
Exhibition Time:17/1/2024 - 13/2/2024
展期時間 :17/1/2024 - 13/2/2024
Tuen Mun Yata
Exhibition Time:08/1/2024 - 13/2/2024
展期時間 :08/1/2024 - 13/2/2024
Food Factory License
Our Food Factory License :
Endorsement : Full Range
Unit 907, 9/F., Block A, Merit Industrial Centre, 94 Tokwawan Road, Kowloon
Customer Service :
Mon - Fri 09:00-16:00
Sat,Sun & Public Holiday : OFF

Our Professional

Mona Ip
Registered Dietitian (USA)
Registered dietitian certified through American Dietetic Association
2006-present Current Registered Dietetian with Texas License

Trifit Fitness
Our team of personal training professionals and highly qualified trainers are here to ensure you achieve your individual health and fitness goals ,we offer a wide-range of health and fitness programmes

The Chef Team
Our culinary team are masters at creating traditional meals as well as a selection of fresh, flavorful dishes that use low-sodium, healthy cooking techniques. We strive to use only the freshest meal, seafood, produce, herbs and spices.